Pediatric Pelvic Health


Tired of waiting for your child to “grow out of bedwetting?” Frustrated with the treatment options for their constipation? Pelvic Health Physical Therapy can help.

Did you know: 20% of 5 year olds and 10% of 7 year olds wet the bed?



Common Dysfunctions:

  • Bedwetting (Enuresis)

  • Constipation

  • Leaking Pee or Poop (Incontinence)

  • Strong Urge to Pee or Poop

  • Abdominal Hernia or Muscle Separation

  • Pain with Pooping

  • Frequent Diarrhea

  • Abdominal Bloating or Excessive Gas

  • Difficulty Starting to Pee or Poop

  • Frequent Peeing or Pooping

Pediatric Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

Plan of care is tailored to your child’s needs

Treatments may include education on the core muscles, bladder and bowel health, schedule and habit changes, bowel massage, muscle strengthening, fluid and fiber diaries, toileting strategies, yoga flow poses, improving postural control and balance, relaxing tight muscles, fun exercises and so much more.

“Dr. Sam is beyond excellent! We did not want to go the medicinal route for our 8 year old. He loved working with Dr. Sam and was excited to attend his PT sessions!”

— A happy Mama